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Anita Zdrojewska

japanologist, art manager and Butoh dancer continuing studies with Atsushi
Takenouchi. She practiced also with Yoshito Ohno, Yukio Waguri, Ko Murobushi and other recognized Eastern and Western Butoh masters.

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Zdrojewska is Pompka foundation founder and leader (since 2008l) gathering Butoh archives and producing Butoh master tours (supported e.g. by Japanese Embassy, Japan Foundation). She’s also organizer of yearly BUTOHKAI - experimental butoh dancer’s platform, Butoh books publisher (Kazuo Ohno’s World/Kazuo Ohno, Yoshito Ohno, Atsushi Takenouchi Jinen Butoh/Atsushi Takenouchi, Alan Frank, Vision of the Body/Tetsuro FukuharaButoh and regular Butohworkshop at ButohSfera organizer.

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